The Biden-Harris administration will focus on climate change. On the incoming administration’s transition Website, climate change is listed as one of four priorities. The website stated, "we have the opportunity to build a more resilient, sustainable economy — one that will put the United States on an irreversible path to achieve net-zero emissions, economy-wide, by no later than 2050.”

Specific to agriculture, the administration plans to create jobs in climate-smart agriculture, resilience and conservation. President-elect Biden's climate plan also calls for the U.S. to reenter the Paris Climate Agreement, which seeks to limit global warming to no more than two degrees Celsius. The plan also includes rebuilding infrastructure, including broadband, electric vehicles, zero-emissions transit, and a move to clean, American made electricity. Additionally, the plan calls for upgrading buildings and homes to be more energy-efficient, and ensuring that environmental justice is a key consideration for the future. Other listed priorities include COVID-19 recovery, economic recovery and racial equity.

Click Here to read the entire Biden-Harris plan.

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