Butter. Cheese. Ice cream. Whole milk. Consumption is up nationally and globally. And to meet that growing demand, dairy farmers are generating more total pounds of the key ingredient, butterfat. Holstein Association USA President Corey Geiger said it’s a trend that’s been taking place for years.


“In the last 10 years, the average butterfat…has gone from 3.66% to 3.95%. That is a tremendous run. It's as highest level it's been almost since the close of World War II and consumers are hearing the message that full dairy fats are healthy for you.”

Because of this demand, Geiger said farmers are being paid more for high component milk.

“What's remarkable, and will help with profitability for those farmers who have changed their breeding programs to meet that consumer demand, 92% of the milk now in the United States is priced on multi-component pricing. What are the two biggest components? Butterfat and protein.”

Geiger noted U.S. Registered Holsteins and the breed’s diverse population allows dairy farmers to make great strides forward when it comes to improving components within their herds. Holsteins he added generate more total pounds of milk than any other breed, meaning they are perfectly suited to answer the call from consumers.

Visit Holstein Association USA's Website to learn more.

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