The USDA recently handed out several grants to projects designed to build more resiliency of food and in some cases health systems, including those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The Gus Schumacher Incentive Program really prioritizes nutrition security. To find and fund innovative solutions to tackle the whole picture of the problem."

Suzanne Stluka of USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture says two series of grants with the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program [GusNIP] were awarded. Over $61 million dollars in nutrition incentive grants were awarded to 20 projects. While another $7.5 million dollars will fund 15 projects under the Produce Prescription Grant Program.

"The Gus Shumacher Incentive Program, these new set of grants GusNIP previous awards," Stluka added.

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