Farmers to Families Food Box

Perdue Scheduled To Make Inland Northwest Stop Thursday
Perdue Scheduled To Make Inland Northwest Stop Thursday
Perdue Scheduled To Make Inland Northwest Stop Thursday
Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue will visit the Northwest over the next couple of days. On Thursday, the Secretary will participate in a Farmers to Families Food Box event with Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers in Liberty Lake. After the Thursday afternoon tour and food box demonstration, Perdue will travel to north Idaho, where he will participate in a forestry Roundtable with Governor Brad Littl
Future of the USDA’s Food Box Program
Future of the USDA’s Food Box Program
Future of the USDA’s Food Box Program
What is the current state of USDA’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program "1.5 million boxes have already been delivered and those suppliers are taking that food in family-sized boxes to distribute across the country," said Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue. "Fo ...