
NW Cherry Growers Hopeful New Rule Will Prevent Losses
NW Cherry Growers Hopeful New Rule Will Prevent Losses
NW Cherry Growers Hopeful New Rule Will Prevent Losses
A new rule that went into effect this year removes penalties for cherry processors in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Utah, who previously faced lost market access to or through California for an entire season when fruit from just a few individual growers tested positive for fruit fly larva...
WSDA Accepting Specialty Crop Block Grant Proposals
WSDA Accepting Specialty Crop Block Grant Proposals
WSDA Accepting Specialty Crop Block Grant Proposals
The Washington State Department of Agriculture is now accepting Concept Proposals for the 2020 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.  WSDA’s program is used to award USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program funds for projects that enhance the competitiveness of Washington’s specialty crops.  Projects canno...
Washington Horticulture Ranked 9th Nationally
Washington Horticulture Ranked 9th Nationally
Washington Horticulture Ranked 9th Nationally
When Washington Agriculture is discussed, most often wheat, apples or potatoes are discussed.  However, Washington has become a leader in the Horticulture industry.  Latest numbers from the USDA ranks Washington 9th nationally in Horticulture.  WSDA’s ...