The Mid-Columbia Ag Hall of Fame and the Pasco Chamber of Commerce has launched a new grant program, targeting ag educational outlets.  Colin Hasting with the Pasco Chamber told the Washington Ag Network The Cultivating Our Future Grant will showcase how the ag industry touches so many across the region.


“There’s a misconception that agriculture is the farmer and the laborer, and that just barely skims the surface as to really what it’s all about.  There’s so much science, STEM, that’s integrated into this, as well as the support industries.”


Hastings says $5,000 is up for grabs, and while the funds can go to a variety of non-profits, it’s not limited to only 501C3s.
“It could be FFA, it could be 4-H, it could be some Ag in the Classroom as well too, I think the spread is out there but the key parameters on that, is it has to be focused on education to students that are high school and younger.”


Grant requests are due to the Pasco Chamber of Commerce by May 1st at 5 p.m.


To learn more or to apply:

Pasco Chamber of Commerce/Cultivating Our Future Grant
1110 Osprey Pointe Blvd, Suite 101
Pasco, WA





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